Trip hazard removal will help you comply with ADA standards and avoid trip and fall accident liability. Trip hazards are typically found in sidewalks or patios where concrete may have shifted. Iowa Wall Sawing cuts the concrete trip hazard to create a smooth lip and fixes uneven surfaces. Any concrete surface with more than a half of inch between joints or cracks is considered a potential trip hazard.
Make your sidewalks safe and eliminate trip and fall hazards, saving you money in the long run.

Any vertical change of over 1/4 inch or more at any joint or crack is defined as a ‘trip hazard’ by The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. Trip hazards are a legal liability because the ADA demands strict compliance.
TripSafe creates ADA compliant sidewalks to avoid injury and liability.
Eliminate liability by eliminating the problem!
Eliminate liability by eliminating the problem!
Complete the Trip Hazard Checklist To Get Your Project Started Today!